
Metal Rain Curtain Fountains

Scroll down to see our gallery of our metal rain curtain fountains for landscape contractors and designers!

We have years of professional experience building high-quality, modern rain curtain fountain water features for Las Vegas landscapes. Landscape contractors and designers trust us to build the perfect complement to their clients’ outdoor spaces.

Creativity and solid construction are our specialty when it comes to custom fountain creation. Our rain curtains can be customized in diverse shapes, sizes, colors, materials, and styles. The sky’s the limit here.

We primarily use stainless steel for the outer structure. The fountain nozzles are brass with the plumbing made from either stainless steel or PVC. The basin can be designed as a pond or filled with stones according to your client’s preference. We often build custom stainless basins to accompany our rain curtain fountains as this ensures a lifetime of reliable retention.

Call us to add a unique rain curtain fountain to your landscape design: (702) 745-1158

Need a different fountain type? Click here to see the other types of custom fountains Pathmark Fabrication can design and create.

Rain curtain fountains are a popular water feature in landscaping and architectural design due to several appealing characteristics and benefits:

  • Aesthetic appeal: Adds a touch of elegance to any outdoor space.
  • Relaxation and tranquility: Sounds of gently falling water has a calming effect.
  • Versatility: Can be designed for different architectural or landscape settings.
  • Low maintenance: Few moving parts mean less chance for technical issues.
  • Water conservation: Water recirculates for an eco-friendly presence in water-conscious regions.
  • Cooling effect: Great for hot climates as falling water reduces ambient temperatures.
  • Architectural integration: Can enhance the overall aesthetic of a building or structure.
  • Entertainment value: A great backdrop for dining spaces, events, or photos.
  • Positive feng shui: Flowing water is associated with positive energy and good fortune.

Pathmark Innovation, LLC, also manufactures its line of professional modern-style path lighting. Visit PathmarkLumination.com.